Windows 10,用着用着就蓝屏了。BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO,安全模式也进不去,自动修复也没有用。

按照某软的说法,”This bug check indicates that there is an error in the registry.”


  1. Try restarting the computer by selecting “last known good configuration” in the boot options.
  2. If the restart does not fix the problem, the registry damage is too extensive. You must reinstall the OS or use the Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) that you previously created by using the Windows Backup tool.

真是呵呵了。不过这至少还告诉我是注册表坏了。于是重启进命令行,注册表在 D:\Windows\System32\config。这里面有个隐藏文件夹叫做 RegBack,是注册表的近期的备份。我把现有的注册表又备份了一次,把这个备份拷贝出来覆盖掉 D:\Windows\System32\config 里面的。重启,搞定。

4 thoughts on “遇到了BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO咋整

  1. 你好,我的win10系统也遇到了同样的问题,蓝屏,无法开机,安全模式也进不去,能请教一下具体的解决步骤吗?


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