今天是印度大象神的生日(गणेश चतुर्थी),公司放假一天,然后我们就又跑到德里去。从connaught place出来以后发现司机的在路边停的车被堵在一堆车里面了。堵在前面的一辆车的车主又找不到。等了一会以后,司机找来了一个貌似是管理人员,那个管理人员带着一个小伙儿,拿着一个木棍还有个什么螺丝刀之类的开始撬车门。鼓捣了几分钟还真给撬开了,然后就挂了个空挡几个人把那辆车推到一边去了…
Lal Qila 实在没什么好玩,晒死了,外面拍拍照片也罢了,里面真的什么都没有,ft啊ft
Raj Ghat 倒是不收门票,就是一个巨大的公园,里面有甘地墓
* Return to the traditional use of natural clay idols and immerse the idol in a bucket of water at home
* Use of a permanent idol made of stone and brass, used every year and a symbolic immersion only.
* Recycling of plaster idols to repaint them and use them again the following year.
* Ban on the immersion of plaster idols into lakes, rivers and the sea.
* Creative use of other biodegradable materials such as paper mache to create Ganesh idols.
* Encouraging people to immerse the idols in tanks of water rather than in natural water bodies.